May 21-22, 2020 the ONLINE-Conference "Digital Banking" will be held.
The event will be held on the initiative of the Infopark Scientific and Technological Association with the support of the Confederation of Digital Business Scientific and Technological Association, the organizer will be Infopark Project CJSC.
The ActiveCloud cloud provider has traditionally been a conference partner.
The thematic focus of the ONLINE Conference will be “Creating Banks' Own and Partnership Ecosystems”. During the event, representatives of banks of Belarus and the CIS countries, international fintech companies and independent experts will discuss the creation by banks of business ecosystems in the context of the development of digital banking, elements of building the architecture of business ecosystems, the place and role of fintechs, non-banks, outsourcing companies as part of business ecosystems and other relevant issues of the digital transformation of the financial sector.
On-air invited experts will share successful practical cases that will enhance the efficiency of banks in modern conditions, and will also answer questions from participants.
We invite those interested to participate in the discussion and development of a consolidated position of the community regarding modern challenges in the framework of digital transformation.
Follow the news on the website ONLINE -Conferences and the official page inFacebook, and also manage to purchase tickets to the event.