Turovsky Dairy

Turovsky Dairy is one of the largest companies in its sector, which exports its products to Russia and Ukraine and expects its milk processing to increase to 230–250 tonnes per day by the end of the year.

The company employs about 200 people and, naturally, its IT staff is quite big in order to provide efficient support for such a major producer, along with an impressive stock of equipment and specialized software.

“At the very start, we chose the outsourcing-focused track for the development of our IT infrastructure,” says Vitaly Lazuta, Head of IT at Turovsky Dairy. “Upgrading equipment and updating licensed software, expanding the channel, improving security, increasing the staff are all rather costly. We opted for the more economical option and turned to ActiveCloud.”

Windows and Linux-based servers were brought to the cloud, along with a number of services required to support the business processes of the dairy: 1C, legal databases, specialized software, and the corporate Bitrix portal.

Automatic exchange of necessary data on the products of the dairy with its sales network was set up. This greatly simplified the work of many employees, and, what mattered the most, provided a marked competitive edge.

Incidentally, another joint project of Turovsky Dairy and ActiveCloud is currently underway. It is designed to enable employees of the plant to work remotely while ensuring effectiveness and safety. The highest level of data security is one of the most important requirements for this project. A worthy solution was proposed, based on three tiers of protection: login and password, USB-key, and VPN-connection.

This project is crucial for the plant and will enable it to significantly optimize its business processes.

The cloud helped address another relevant problem: an independently operating infrastructure in the regional office was provided. Moving the servers to the cloud guaranteed their availability for the regional office, regardless of the availability for the central office.

This helped the factory to instantly organize a work environment for new employees, which would have been impossible otherwise. Other benefits of the cloud include the ability to quickly introduce new services, provide remote access to software vendors for installation, and test new services without incurring major costs.

“After the deployment of our infrastructure in the cloud, we immediately felt the difference in the speed and quality of our services, which is primarily due to the high availability at ActiveCloud data centers,” Vitaly Lazuta shares his impressions.

ActiveCloud undertook to take care of the vast server infrastructure, which allows the dairy to save on qualified and expensive IT staff. Even today, a single IT specialist works for such a large company with a major stock of servers.

“Furthermore, Turovsky Dairy benefits from another important advantage of the cloud service, which ActiveCloud provides to its customers, namely, the hourly payment option,” says Key Accounts Manager Vitaly Myakshinov. “At night, some servers are turned off, and they are turned back on in the morning. This feature not only saves the customer’s money, but also increases the security of their data.”

Also see the Letter of Appreciation from Turovsky Dairy Plant.

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