Resttrade LLC

The Customer. Resttrade LLC operates the Dionis retail chain with 16 stores in Polotsk, Novopolotsk and Brest and a combined staff of almost 2,000 employees. The company has operated in food retail for 20 years. The Dionis retail chain has been awarded by the Ministry of Trade of Belarus for the best organization of retail business and excellent services.

The Challenge. The range of a single retail store of the Dionis chain is more than 20,000 items. Therefore, the Customer required a business intelligence (BI) system for a competent analysis of the product flow. Resttrade LLC conducted a thorough market study and chose the popular business intelligence platform QlikView, which is effectively used by many retail chains in Belarus. The system processes requests in RAM, which makes it possible to compile analytical reports incredibly fast. A2 Consulting, an official partner of QlikView in Belarus, was invited as system integrator. A2 Consulting is a long-term partner of ActiveCloud (for example, in 2016 we held a master class jointly with A2 Consulting on QlikView implementation).

The Solution. Resttrade LLC ordered a pilot QlikView project from A2 Consulting. A2 Consulting, for its part, turned to ActiveCloud for a cloud server to host the BI system. A2 Consulting and ActiveCloud specialists took a few months to jointly prepare the pilot project, which was completely free for the Customer: both the cloud servers and QlikView analytics setup.

The pilot project was then presented to the Customer, who was fully satisfied with QlikView functionality and performance in the cloud. The project was further developed on a commercial basis, a contract was signed and the customer began to use the BI system in the normal mode. A2 Consulting performs regular custom-tailored QlikView updates, adding new features and improving the existing analytics. As QlikView system content grows in volume, its processing calls for increased capacity of the cloud server from ActiveCloud, which can conveniently be achieved through the customer panel.

Benefits of the solution:

  • No need for a hardware server — thanks to ActiveCloud, the customer was enabled to appreciate all of the advantages of the QlikView BI system already during the trial period and at zero server capacity costs.
  • Easily expanded capacity — where necessary, the Customer can increase the capacity of the cloud, which hosts QlikView, without changing anything in its infrastructure.
  • Convenient business intelligence for the Customer — 1C Enterprise 8 accounting system and Set Retail POS software are used as sources of information. In addition, QlikView is fully compatible with heterogeneous data sources, which eliminates data losses during transfer. The system has a built-in associative model and a user-friendly interface enabling the end user to view its business processes easily and reliably. The in-house analyst has been relieved of some routine tasks and now has time to focus on more complex and specialized types of analysis.

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