Облачная инфраструктура для группы компаний ARTOX

Minsk, August 1, 2013. – ARTOX Group has awarded ActiveCloud a contract to build its infrastructure in the cloud.

ARTOX, one of the leaders of the Belarusian market for Internet advertising, decided to bring its IT infrastructure to the cloud due to the rapid development of the company and recent increases in its staff. Projects implemented by the Group include: ARTOX Media international digital agency, Relax.by, Dom.by and 103.by portals, the country’s first School of Digital Marketing, as well as the RASTI Business School. More than 250 people currently work here, and more than 1,550 projects have been successfully implemented over the last five years, and the number of regular customers exceeds 3,500. These figures are showing a stable growth trend. Such positive dynamics requires a regular expansion in technical resources to service the business processes of the company and maintain high quality of engagement with its clients.

“We needed to optimize our IT infrastructure costs without compromising the quality of its service,” says Alexander Lind, Product Director at ARTOX. “We were not satisfied with the option of purchasing additional expensive hardware, which requires constant updates and becomes obsolete very fast, as well as maintaining a large staff of IT professionals. We found a more beneficial solution — collaboration with ActiveCloud and monthly payments only for the resources that we use.”

As its priority task, ActiveCloud performed a detailed analysis of the current situation in the client’s business, and also factored in all the features of the company’s processes calling for uninterrupted work.

As a result, a configuration based on two computing clusters was proposed, which guarantees continuous operation of 15 virtual servers in the cloud and allows implementing a two-tier failsafe system. Timely detection of errors and software bottlenecks are possible owing to constant monitoring, which is especially important when deploying a new version of the project.

To ensure a high security level, an individual data backup scheme (at various data centers) and a system of snapshots have been put in place, which fully meet all of the stated requirements and features of the customer’s business processes. Over time, much of the technical support work was transferred to ActiveCloud.

Besides, quite recently Relax.by, one of portals of ARTOX Group, migrated to its new version. It was very important to minimize the time of this transition and make it transparent for search engines and users. ActiveCloud helped make the migration to a state-of-the-art, high load-optimized software (Redis, nginx, php-fpm, Percona-server), which allowed the company to halve the cost of the server, accelerate the work of the website, as well as markedly simplify the process of development and deployment of the new version. Based on the work done to bring the site to its new version a template was created enabling users to launch the Group’s new projects faster and with even greater saving of both financial and human resources.

The outcome of collaboration speaks for itself: with the help of cloud technologies, ARTOX managed to double the efficiency of its Internet projects, as the company’s employees gained access to the high-performance platform.

The task to optimize IT infrastructure costs (both financial and labor) was also successfully addressed. ARTOX currently pays on a monthly basis and only for the resources that it actually uses.

Head of VIP Accounts Support at ActiveCloud Igor Khotko says: “The specific features of ARTOX’s business processes always call for unconventional solutions that need to be implemented fast; therefore, we are particularly excited to be working on these projects.”

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